In Justin Moyer’s Washington Post article posted in the “Local Education” section online on October 30, 2022 and as published on page B1 of the Metro section in the print edition on November 4, 2022, he discusses how parents almost never win in due process hearings before Virginia hearing officers in cases brought under the IDEA on behalf of disabled children. Specifically, between 2010 and July 2021, parents prevailed only 3 times out of 395 cases in Northern Virginia before hearing officers. Across Virginia, parents prevailed just 13 times out of 847 cases representing only 1.5% of the cases. Worse, two thirds of the state’s 22 hearing officers have never ruled for parents, and 83 percent of hearing officers in Northern Virginia have never ruled for parents, in each case in due process litigation brought under the IDEA.

Read the full article here at The Washington Post’s website: